Thursday, August 20, 2009

31 weeks!

Okay, so! I'm totally stoked, right? I started my 8th month yesterday and to me it seems like such a huge milestone! I only have to do this for two more months, and then it all gets real. I'll have a son, he'll be here, and I seriously can't wait for all of it. The sleepless nights, the waking up to make sure that he's still breathing... oh man, it sounds crazy but it's something that I've been looking forward to this entire time.

I've got my baby shower coming up, too! That's got me pretty excited about life. I mean, I'll get to see some family that I haven't seen in awhile. I'll get to see friends that I REALLY haven't seen in awhile. And the only reason I'm excited about a party that's got something to do with me, is because it's really for him. It's for the baby, it's about getting ready to welcome him into the world. That's why it's got me super excited.

Though I wish I could say this has been one of my better weeks, it hasn't. Yes I've started my 8th month, but it's been rough for the last couple of weeks. Every little thing has got me on edge. The smallest pain, to the most paralyzing of back pain. I swear it's got me standing on my toes, and it's weird. I want everything to be okay, I want everything to be fine. I don't want anything wrong with my baby.

So, I've tried to cut as much stress as I can out of my life. With me not working anymore, that's been a fairly easy thing to do. Of course, all the non-work related stress that's been taken out of my life has not been replaced with "I'm back to no longer having a boyfriend," stress. That's right, back to the single mom status. But that's okay, I guess. I mean if I was meant to have someone by my side doing this then he would be here. Though it's more than obvious I'm not because here it is, time number to that I've had to commit to doing this alone.

But that's okay!

I'm incubating a little prince charming, I can feel it! All my friends are hoping that I can raise him up to be a really good guy, and I'm hoping so too. I hope that when Connor gets old enough to start dating and enjoying the female (or male if that's what he prefers) side of life, (though everyone knows that this won't be until he's like... 35 ;D) that he'll know what he wants out of life and not be afraid to fight for it. That when he falls in love with someone he'll give it all he's got and not be afraid of anything.

I guess I'm just really wishing for all the happiness in the world for him.

Hey! What about fun doctor stuff? :D That's right, 8 months pregnant and I've only gained 17 pounds! Which, 5 of we won't even count for because Connors last measure put him at 3.5 pounds and that was about a month ago. Seeing as he gains about a half a pound a week, the doc said that we'll be lookin' at a big boy. I'm really starting to want to take bets. I got my money on 10 pounds, my moms looking to be about the same!

And my parents... god I don't know what I would do without them. My sister too. It's like, the harder this gets, the more there for me they are. I'm really grateful I came back to California to be with them, and my dads side of the family. Through all of this I've heard nothing but, "You need to relax. You've got nothing but family that loves you around here." And I think those words just made my year. I'm lucky to have what I do with my family, and I wouldn't give it up for all the oreo's and peanut butter in the world :)

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