Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ain't that nice?

Sittin' on 38 weeks pregnant these days, and oh what a lovely start to my day.

I get a phone call from Cassie, a girl who USED to be a roommate of mine. A girl who befriended Connors dad and accepted him as family. A girl I quit calling my friend so SOON AS SHE FUCKED CHUCK. (She probably doesn't remember that.) Well she decided to call me today, and YELL AT ME. For being the person that I am.

Oh, I'm such a bad person for taking Connor away from him.
I'm such a bad person for not letting him be part of MY SONS life.

Hmm... can we do a six month re-cap on this one?

Has Chuck sent any money for his son? Uhm, no!
Has Chuck bought anything for his son? Nah, that's another no.
Does Chuck go to doctors appointments? How about ultrasounds? DOES HE EVEN LIVE IN THE SAME FUCKING STATE?!

THATS RIGHT. I didn't. Fucking. Think. SO!

Honestly, the closest thing that Connor has to a dad, that actually cares and pays attention is KATIE! The girl that's sat there and held my hand in the hospital. That's sat there and let me cry on her shoulder when the stupid fuck wanted to play his mental mind fuck games! The person that listened to the babys heart beat, that was there for the first ultrasound, and has provided MORE FOR CONNOR than Chuck has even THOUGHT of doing.

And I'm the bad person?

This little CUNT thinks it's a GREAT IDEA to start my day off the gospel way and preach at me for shit shes got no fucking idea about. Things that she doesn't even know what she's talking about!

"Honestly, I've kept my mouth shut long enough but I'm tired of letting you be such a vindictive bitch!" [end quote]

HAHAHAHAHAAHHA!!! Too bad your mouth is the only thing you keep shut.

OH! And guess what! This tale gets better!

Because guess who also has a say? Christine. Yes, that's right. Because shes got to play a part in it too because she's never been one to keep her nose in her own God Damn business.

"A. I'm pregnant too, so yelling at me - not such a good idea." [end quote]

Oh whoop-dee-fucking-do for you! You're having two little bastards just like me. FUNNY THING. Uhm, didn't you get ditched on by the dad too!? But you know, that just GIVES YOU the right to sit there and tell me that "DNA" matters. Listen up fuck tards, heres a little piece of wisdom should you EVER decide to knock someone up:

THE ONLY TIME DNA COUNTS is when money is involved. You don't want money, then DNA don't mean SHIT.

The only thing that MATTERS is what's on paper. That shit ain't legit? Then guess what!? You're nothing but an idiot with a big fucking mouth.

But you know she had the balls to sit there and tell me I wasn't being fair. That Connor is HIS SON TOO. Really? Could have fuckin' fooled me. From what I can tell everyone thinks I'm a lesbian surrogate for my partner because it's Katie and my mother that's been there for me.


Any dog can BREED. It takes a REAL MAN to be a FATHER.

I know what I'm doing, and the things I plan on doing are what's good for me and my son. What MY son and *I* do is NO ONES business but MINE.

Fucking cunt bags and their big ass mouths. Do something useful and live your own God Damn lives. Stop fucking up everyone elses.

And just in CASE someone thinks that the sperm donor can come in here and TRY oh so hard to even get VISITATION RIGHTS to see Connor, heres some facts for you:

The ONLY WAY Chuck will get ANY RIGHTS of ANY KIND to see MY SON he has to come to California, petition me for a paternity test (which I have EVERY RIGHT to decline), should I choose to accept it he has the pay the $300.00 to have it done. And at that point we'll go into a custody battle, and the only one in this relationship that's kept a LEGAL job, kept a SECURE home, and PAID for the childs expenses is ME. So even if it DOES go to court, the only thing he'll get is having to pay CHILD SUPPORT. And should he not do that, he'll loose his license among other things.

If you ask me, sounds like a hell of a lot of work that ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Because even if he pulls the money out of his ass to TRY and prove paternity guess who has to give permission? That's right. ME!! And until Connor is 18, it's still my choice!

So, dear Chuck and Cunts: Kindly FUCK OFF.

-- End.

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